Thursday, September 04, 2008

Did McCain know what he was cooking up, or is this just another version of Half baked Alaska?

I have been hearing over and over again that folks are not sure Mc Cain knew that his female VP running mates daughter was pregnant of 5 months. I say to you, bully. If you think that a politician did not know that during an election year this type of golden opportunity was around, think again. There are two times that a politician will come upon an perfectly laid out scenario like this. #1. When they are caught in the middle of it and the media is taking advantage of it. #2. When an election year roles around and a politician is not feeling as popular as he wants the polls.

Of course, before I dress this horse up for this parade I am about to put it on. I will let you know . . . I am male, this is so you all know I know that I am limited to 10% effectiveness when it comes to dealing with an issue of the opposite sex. Why, well it is simple. For thousands of years although men have idolized the opposite sex and they have also been caught mis treating and mis speaking for them. So anything I get from these little comments of mine, I deserve.

This little issue of how a woman is running her child's life and how her child is running her FUTURE child's life should be considered out of bounds . . . uhh - umm, when it comes to a normal persons life. However, this is far from a normal woman's life. This person is, if the president is the father of our country , she would be the mother of our country.

Now maybe this cowboy is just seeing Hollywood in to this campaign. But, if you watched the VP exception speech you saw her daughter holding a baby in front of her pregnant stomach , maybe to dress up the truth or cover it. For that matter Mc Cain might just be using Palin to make himself look younger; Just do your best Mc Cain to keep her where you have her right now . . . in front of you.

I must tell you all that this little smoke and mirror or song and dance is a lot like when they take pictures of food before they put in on the menu or slap it in a magazine. They primp it up, and paint it to look juicier than it really is before they show it to the people that are buying it. Hey, it sells products, and Both sides of the parties are guilty of half baked, raw politics. But beware both you Democrats and Republicans, the American public will stick ya back in the oven if they are not sure you taste right to them.
I am all for anyone getting there chance to make it to the top. But this seems like this may not be a story book ending, but more like a bad sitcom.

Only time will uncover what we all need to know about our new VP, look what two days have done so far.

Will Roberts
"The Good Will Tour"
1-866-381-Will (9455)
Direct# 310-228-7105
Fax# 800-844-4259

"All I Know Is What Little I Read On The Internet!"

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