Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Wow! September already, before you know it, it'll be Christmas (Yikes! I'd better start shopping now.)! I tell you what, this blogging thing is not as easy as it sounds. I keep forgetting to post to it. Life is just so busy sometimes that stuff like this just goes by the wayside.

Anyhow...where was I...oh yeah, September. This month is looking good already. School has started and story ideas are abundant. From law enforcement to farm subsidies to aerospace, our stories are sure to peak your interest. We're even going back in time to the dawn of Oklahoma with the Centennial Land Run in Sayre. That was a fun day! I love the old West and watching period action with all the costumes, horses, gun was very enjoyable. I'm hoping they make it an annual event.

Did you know that we have an eagle rehabilitation center in Oklahoma? Even though the bald eagle has been taken off the endangered list, it's still protected. What's unbelievable is that some people still take pot shots at them and injure them (sometimes even kill them). This is such a shame but at least there is a place that takes care of them and trys to get them to the point of releasing them back into the wild. I'm waiting on just such occasion that will hopefully be coming up soon. We just have to wait of the vet to say yeah or nay. I'll keep you posted.

Well back to work! I'll chatacha as soon as I can remember. Keep watching Oklahoma Horizon and see you soon!

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