I'm sitting here getting ready to leave for my Christmas holiday and thought I would take this time to wish everyone reading my blog a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Will we have snow? Probably only if what comes in this weekend doesn't melt but this is Oklahoma so it probably will. I can only remember a couple of Christmas days that were white. I can remember several that were silvery with ice but not really snow. Let's hope it doesn't do that this year. I don't know about you, but I've had enough ice for one year.
Are you thinking about a New Year's resolution yet? If you need a little help, here goes:
1. Try being kinder to those you meet.
2. Love the one you're with even when they aren't lovable (hopefully they choose #1)
3. Pass on the second helpings (you really don't need them. If you're still hungry, try walking around a little while and then see if you're still hungry.)
4. Give: Your time, your self, your money to someone who needs it.
5. Stop fighting and say you're sorry (even if it isn't your fault). Sometimes sorry is all thats needed. We seem to lash out at the ones we love the most and that's just wrong. We should be the nicest to them. Even if you know the right button to push to get someone angry, DON'T PUSH IT! Take a deep breath and hold it for several seconds then let it out slowly then calmly discuss whatever the problem is. Fights can be averted this way.
6. Go to church and really listen instead of judging everyone there. They are all sinners just like you so they aren't any better.
7. If you see someone new at church, say hello instead of judging them by their looks. They are a sinner just like you and you aren't any better than them!
8. Take time to relax. We are all too stressed and that causes us to be short tempered (see #5).
9. Visit someone who is sick or shut in. They would love to see you.
1o. Be the kind of person you would want to be married to and see what happens!
Be safe during this holiday time and I'll chatacha next year!
The Oklahoma HORIZON television show is televised locally and nationally, covering stories across Oklahoma, the nation, and internationally showcasing people and businesses that contribute to the state's economic success and quality of life. Rob McClendon and a team of writers and producers are responsible for fifty-two, 30-minute shows each year. (See video below)
Friday, December 21, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
Belated Happy Thanksgiving to all you! It's just like birthdays, I'm always late with the card. Oh well. I hope every one of you found something to be thankful for during the holiday. I know I did. I'm very thankful that all my family is healthy and close by. I have several friends who have life threatening illnesses and I can see first hand how that affects those around you. Please remember those who are sick in your prayers, especially around the holidays when it really can cause heartache more than usual.
If you are wondering why the website hasn't been updated yet, please be patient. My MAC has a cold and needs to be defragged (or whatever they do to MACs) and it won't happen until next week. Check around Wednesday morning for the latest stories. This also affects the podcasts so please keep checking. Sorry!
Chatatcha Soon!
If you are wondering why the website hasn't been updated yet, please be patient. My MAC has a cold and needs to be defragged (or whatever they do to MACs) and it won't happen until next week. Check around Wednesday morning for the latest stories. This also affects the podcasts so please keep checking. Sorry!
Chatatcha Soon!
Friday, November 09, 2007
I don't know about you, but my days are running together. I'm helping with our United Way campaign and it's a busy time. It's amazing the number of caring people I work with. Each year our little organization raises a lot of money to help United Way. It's impressive to watch the lengths people will go to help raise money. Some will ask you nicely, some will beg, some will get in your face, and some will just quietly do their own thing but they all do it with an air of fun around them. What we have found is that if you make if fun, people don't mind giving to something they know is worthwhile. For me, giving to United Way is something I want to do because I know that my money is going to help those who really need it the most and it doesn't even cost me all that much. I hope during this time of year when you see the United Way signs up (you know the ones with the red and white thermometer-looking graphic with the red that just keeps going up), you'll stop a moment and remember to dig deep into your pocket and pull out what you can and give it to an organization that is helping a lot of people. Give a little, give a lot, just give!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Well we are only two months away from Christmas! Do you have your shopping done yet? Not me. I haven't even started yet. I'm sort of a procrastinator. I do my best work when I'm under the gun to get it done. Now I don't wait until Christmas Eve to do my shopping. That's cutting it a bit too close for my comfort but I do usually wait until December. My budget wishes I would do it throughout the year like my mom does, but my penchant for procrastination just doesn't allow for it. ;-D Oh well, sigh!
Okay, now I'm going to get on my soap box (you've been warned!).
What's up with healthcare? Insurance in particular. Our insurance rates are fixing to go up almost twenty-five percent!!!! That's highway robbery to me. If you don't have insurance, you're doomed because of the cost of a doctor visit, or worse yet, a hospital visit. And you're doomed to paying through the nose if you do have insurance. It's a catch-22! Because of it, our insurance industry is sure making socialized medicine look pretty good to me.
I recently had a lengthy discussion with some of my in-laws about the pros and cons of socialized medicine. Their main concern was they didn't want the government to be in control of our healthcare. But my take on it is, is the government any better than the insurance industry?
The insurance industry is basically able to say what treatment you can and can't have. In some cases, refusing treatments that can really help someone or maybe even cure them. All to keep from spending the almighty buck! I think it's a shame when a company is more concerned about making money than about helping to cure illnesses. I know they have to make money, but if you take care of people correctly, wouldn't you be able to save money in the long run? Let the doctors make the decision about what treatment is needed and let the insurance company pay for it since that is why we purchase insurance in the first place. Yes, some people will use it more than others, but some people will use it less. That's just the way it works.
On the flip side, WE have to take better care of ourselves so that we don't have to be treated for something that is preventable if we just did what we already know we should:
Eat right, don't smoke or use tobacco products, exercise regularly, drink only minimally, and get regular checkups (especially when you know you have a medical history that's less than perfect).
Just like preventative maintenance on your car helps it last longer and run better, so too, taking preventative steps with your health will go a long way to keeping you out of the doctor's office and making you feel a whole lot better. Who knows, it may even help drop those insurance premiums if people didn't get sick as often because they keep such good care of themselves.
It's something to think about.
Chatatcha later!
Okay, now I'm going to get on my soap box (you've been warned!).
What's up with healthcare? Insurance in particular. Our insurance rates are fixing to go up almost twenty-five percent!!!! That's highway robbery to me. If you don't have insurance, you're doomed because of the cost of a doctor visit, or worse yet, a hospital visit. And you're doomed to paying through the nose if you do have insurance. It's a catch-22! Because of it, our insurance industry is sure making socialized medicine look pretty good to me.
I recently had a lengthy discussion with some of my in-laws about the pros and cons of socialized medicine. Their main concern was they didn't want the government to be in control of our healthcare. But my take on it is, is the government any better than the insurance industry?
The insurance industry is basically able to say what treatment you can and can't have. In some cases, refusing treatments that can really help someone or maybe even cure them. All to keep from spending the almighty buck! I think it's a shame when a company is more concerned about making money than about helping to cure illnesses. I know they have to make money, but if you take care of people correctly, wouldn't you be able to save money in the long run? Let the doctors make the decision about what treatment is needed and let the insurance company pay for it since that is why we purchase insurance in the first place. Yes, some people will use it more than others, but some people will use it less. That's just the way it works.
On the flip side, WE have to take better care of ourselves so that we don't have to be treated for something that is preventable if we just did what we already know we should:
Eat right, don't smoke or use tobacco products, exercise regularly, drink only minimally, and get regular checkups (especially when you know you have a medical history that's less than perfect).
Just like preventative maintenance on your car helps it last longer and run better, so too, taking preventative steps with your health will go a long way to keeping you out of the doctor's office and making you feel a whole lot better. Who knows, it may even help drop those insurance premiums if people didn't get sick as often because they keep such good care of themselves.
It's something to think about.
Chatatcha later!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Wow! September already, before you know it, it'll be Christmas (Yikes! I'd better start shopping now.)! I tell you what, this blogging thing is not as easy as it sounds. I keep forgetting to post to it. Life is just so busy sometimes that stuff like this just goes by the wayside.
Anyhow...where was I...oh yeah, September. This month is looking good already. School has started and story ideas are abundant. From law enforcement to farm subsidies to aerospace, our stories are sure to peak your interest. We're even going back in time to the dawn of Oklahoma with the Centennial Land Run in Sayre. That was a fun day! I love the old West and watching period action with all the costumes, horses, gun play...it was very enjoyable. I'm hoping they make it an annual event.
Did you know that we have an eagle rehabilitation center in Oklahoma? Even though the bald eagle has been taken off the endangered list, it's still protected. What's unbelievable is that some people still take pot shots at them and injure them (sometimes even kill them). This is such a shame but at least there is a place that takes care of them and trys to get them to the point of releasing them back into the wild. I'm waiting on just such occasion that will hopefully be coming up soon. We just have to wait of the vet to say yeah or nay. I'll keep you posted.
Well back to work! I'll chatacha as soon as I can remember. Keep watching Oklahoma Horizon and see you soon!
Anyhow...where was I...oh yeah, September. This month is looking good already. School has started and story ideas are abundant. From law enforcement to farm subsidies to aerospace, our stories are sure to peak your interest. We're even going back in time to the dawn of Oklahoma with the Centennial Land Run in Sayre. That was a fun day! I love the old West and watching period action with all the costumes, horses, gun play...it was very enjoyable. I'm hoping they make it an annual event.
Did you know that we have an eagle rehabilitation center in Oklahoma? Even though the bald eagle has been taken off the endangered list, it's still protected. What's unbelievable is that some people still take pot shots at them and injure them (sometimes even kill them). This is such a shame but at least there is a place that takes care of them and trys to get them to the point of releasing them back into the wild. I'm waiting on just such occasion that will hopefully be coming up soon. We just have to wait of the vet to say yeah or nay. I'll keep you posted.
Well back to work! I'll chatacha as soon as I can remember. Keep watching Oklahoma Horizon and see you soon!
Wow! September already, before you know it, it'll be Christmas (Yikes! I'd better start shopping now.)! I tell you what, this blogging thing is not as easy as it sounds. I keep forgetting to post to it. Life is just so busy sometimes that stuff like this just goes by the wayside.
Anyhow...where was it...oh yeah, September. This month is looking good already. School has started and story ideas are abundant. From law enforcement to farm subsidies to aerospace, our stories are sure to peak your interest. We're even going back in time to the dawn of Oklahoma with the Centennial Land Run in Sayre. That was a fun day! I love the old West and watching period action with all the costumes, horses, gun play...it was very enjoyable. I'm hoping they make it an annual event.
Did you know that we have an eagle rehabilitation center in Oklahoma? Even though the bald eagle has been taken off the endangered list, it's still protected. What's unbelievable is that some people still take pot shots at them and injure them (sometimes even kill them). This is such a shame but at least there is a place that takes care of them and trys to get them to the point of releasing them back into the wild. I'm waiting on just such occasion that will hopefully be coming up soon. We just have to wait of the vet to say yeah or nay. I'll keep you posted.
Well back to work! I'll chatacha as soon as I can remember. Keep watching Oklahoma Horizon and see you soon!
Anyhow...where was it...oh yeah, September. This month is looking good already. School has started and story ideas are abundant. From law enforcement to farm subsidies to aerospace, our stories are sure to peak your interest. We're even going back in time to the dawn of Oklahoma with the Centennial Land Run in Sayre. That was a fun day! I love the old West and watching period action with all the costumes, horses, gun play...it was very enjoyable. I'm hoping they make it an annual event.
Did you know that we have an eagle rehabilitation center in Oklahoma? Even though the bald eagle has been taken off the endangered list, it's still protected. What's unbelievable is that some people still take pot shots at them and injure them (sometimes even kill them). This is such a shame but at least there is a place that takes care of them and trys to get them to the point of releasing them back into the wild. I'm waiting on just such occasion that will hopefully be coming up soon. We just have to wait of the vet to say yeah or nay. I'll keep you posted.
Well back to work! I'll chatacha as soon as I can remember. Keep watching Oklahoma Horizon and see you soon!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Hey all! Just got back from a much needed vacation. I have discovered the one thing Oklahoma doesn't have...the ocean. Wow! We went to Padre Island and it was the first time I had ever been to the ocean. It was fabulous! There had been storms before we got there (just like here) and we had some really good waves. I had a blast playing around in the water. It was definitely a nice break but I am glad to be back.
Lots has happened since the last post. The rain stopped (sorta), YEAH! We've had some visiting journalists from Mali, Africa. If you've been watching the show, you will remember the episode Rob and other Oklahoma journalists talked about their experience when the went there in the Spring. This time it was the Malians turn to come here. They were very interesting people and I'm glad to have met a few of them. Safe journey home!
Lastly, Jessica Lowe-Betts had a bouncing baby girl! We are so excited for her. Congratulations Jess but come back soon!
It's been a busy summer. Unfortunately for my children, summer's end is fast approaching. My son is getting ready to go off to college and that's a really new experience. With the cost of college these days, you had better really want to go and study hard to make it worth while. I'm hoping he can keep his feet on the ground and make the grades. Keep me in your thoughts as fall semester starts. It may be challenging.
Well its time to go walk. You know we gotta stay in shape to keep our health on the up side. Chat atcha later!
Lots has happened since the last post. The rain stopped (sorta), YEAH! We've had some visiting journalists from Mali, Africa. If you've been watching the show, you will remember the episode Rob and other Oklahoma journalists talked about their experience when the went there in the Spring. This time it was the Malians turn to come here. They were very interesting people and I'm glad to have met a few of them. Safe journey home!
Lastly, Jessica Lowe-Betts had a bouncing baby girl! We are so excited for her. Congratulations Jess but come back soon!
It's been a busy summer. Unfortunately for my children, summer's end is fast approaching. My son is getting ready to go off to college and that's a really new experience. With the cost of college these days, you had better really want to go and study hard to make it worth while. I'm hoping he can keep his feet on the ground and make the grades. Keep me in your thoughts as fall semester starts. It may be challenging.
Well its time to go walk. You know we gotta stay in shape to keep our health on the up side. Chat atcha later!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Rain, rain go away? Well, maybe not, but maybe slow down just a little. We needed it but not all at once. Whew! Although it was very nice to listen to it this morning. I was able to open my doors and windows (since for once, it wasn't raining sideways ;-D) and just listen as it hit the trees. It was so soothing. Sometimes it's nice to just be able to lay there and enjoy nature. You should try it sometime. It's very relaxing.
Relaxing was just what I needed too. My son graduated Friday night and the week leading up to it was very hectic. I don't remember high school being so busy back when I was attending. It seems like more and more, kids are just tremendously busy. Maybe it's to keep them out of trouble, but whatever it is, it sure makes for busy times.
Then there was the after graduation party. Oh my! The senior parents have been planning this all year long (which also has made my son's senior year busy for me). We throw all the graduates an all night party with lots of games and food and even door prizes for each student with the hopes of keeping them away from other pursuits for the night. The only drawback is, the parents have to stay up all night long. I don't know about you, but I am not a night person. I value my sleep! It was worth it though. Everyone had a good time and stayed safe so a little lack of sleep wasn't too bad but it will take me a while to recover. Anyway, congratulations to all those graduates who made it though school. Good luck with your lives!
Relaxing was just what I needed too. My son graduated Friday night and the week leading up to it was very hectic. I don't remember high school being so busy back when I was attending. It seems like more and more, kids are just tremendously busy. Maybe it's to keep them out of trouble, but whatever it is, it sure makes for busy times.
Then there was the after graduation party. Oh my! The senior parents have been planning this all year long (which also has made my son's senior year busy for me). We throw all the graduates an all night party with lots of games and food and even door prizes for each student with the hopes of keeping them away from other pursuits for the night. The only drawback is, the parents have to stay up all night long. I don't know about you, but I am not a night person. I value my sleep! It was worth it though. Everyone had a good time and stayed safe so a little lack of sleep wasn't too bad but it will take me a while to recover. Anyway, congratulations to all those graduates who made it though school. Good luck with your lives!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
I don't know about you, but I've had enough rain for a little while (not a long time just a week or so). The ponds are full and overflowing so we could do with a little less for now. It wouldn't be so bad if I could just stay home with the windows open reading a good book while it lightly rains but torrential rains just don't make that possible. I think at this point, most of the state is out of the drought.
At least it didn't rain during the latest event from the Horizon folks. Our very own Brian Bendele got married (sorry girls, he's off the market). The weather cooperated quite nicely and the wedding was lovely. Congrats to Brian and his new wife, Andrea!
And speaking of showers, it is certainly popping up some beautiful May flowers. I think each year there are more and more wild flowers that I've never seen. Don't know where they've come from (okay, technically I know they come from God but where in the state have they blown in from) but I'm definitely glad for the splash of color I see everywhere. Farmers and gardeners would call them weeds, but I just love seeing them no matter where they've taken root. Enjoy them while they last because summer is coming and it's coming fast!
At least it didn't rain during the latest event from the Horizon folks. Our very own Brian Bendele got married (sorry girls, he's off the market). The weather cooperated quite nicely and the wedding was lovely. Congrats to Brian and his new wife, Andrea!
And speaking of showers, it is certainly popping up some beautiful May flowers. I think each year there are more and more wild flowers that I've never seen. Don't know where they've come from (okay, technically I know they come from God but where in the state have they blown in from) but I'm definitely glad for the splash of color I see everywhere. Farmers and gardeners would call them weeds, but I just love seeing them no matter where they've taken root. Enjoy them while they last because summer is coming and it's coming fast!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
It never ceases to amaze me how just a little bit of rain can cause everything to just green up. Spring has definately sprung and I, for one, am glad. While I enjoyed a snowy winter for a change, my favorite season is Spring. Everything is so new and fresh and that splash of color everywhere just brings a smile to my face. So yeah for Spring!
Now that Spring is here, we are all hitting the road and gathering stories for Oklahoma Horizon and with this being the Centennial year, we are going to take some time and look back at Oklahoma History. You've probably already seen the Oklahoma Moments we've been having but start looking for some of our shows to reflect back on our history, where we've been and where we're going and even a trip down Route 66. It promises to be fun.
Rob is back from Mali, Africa and boy does he have some tales to tell. Watch later this summer for some of those. They just might open your eyes to how very lucky we are here in Oklahoma. Stay tuned.
Now that Spring is here, we are all hitting the road and gathering stories for Oklahoma Horizon and with this being the Centennial year, we are going to take some time and look back at Oklahoma History. You've probably already seen the Oklahoma Moments we've been having but start looking for some of our shows to reflect back on our history, where we've been and where we're going and even a trip down Route 66. It promises to be fun.
Rob is back from Mali, Africa and boy does he have some tales to tell. Watch later this summer for some of those. They just might open your eyes to how very lucky we are here in Oklahoma. Stay tuned.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Okay, where did February go?!! I can't believe it's already March. We've been so busy I didn't even notice time passing. But that's good. It means that we're out and about getting the stories you love to see. At least I hope so. I hope you still find the show interesting and occasionally fun. I know I'm still having fun and really enjoying meeting the wonderful people of Oklahoma.
Having lived for a short time in another state, I can really appreciate what fine people live in Oklahoma. People genuinely care about each other. We're not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but we Okies do try our best to get along.
And contrary to Hollywood, Oklahoma isn't as backwoodsy as they portrait us. Coming up soon on Oklahoma Horizon, you're going to learn about just how advanced Oklahoma is. From our computer technology to the cutting edge of the aerospace industry, Oklahoma has it all. We are quite diverse. We can take you from the farm to space and back again. Not many states can say that.
We're also going to take you back in time and explore some of our historical roots, from the dust bowl to Route 66 to the Grapes of Wrath. Then we'll see what's bubbling up from underneath. All in an effort to bring you a wide range of topics in this, our centennial year. Feel free to drop us a line and let us know what's interesting in your area. I can't guarantee we'll cover it, but if we don't know about, we certainly can't.
Now we've been pre-empted for a couple of weeks while OETA has their spring festival, but never fear, we will be back soon. If you've missed us, visit our website (www.okhorizon.com) and see what you've missed. It's all there. We're also on their digital channels now even when we're pre-empted. Check your local listings to find out where those channels are.
Well back to the grind (oh, sorry, work) ;-D. Be watching for what's coming up. We're going global again. Rob's been to Mali, Africa so be looking to see how Oklahoma is working there. Keep watching and see you soon!
Having lived for a short time in another state, I can really appreciate what fine people live in Oklahoma. People genuinely care about each other. We're not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but we Okies do try our best to get along.
And contrary to Hollywood, Oklahoma isn't as backwoodsy as they portrait us. Coming up soon on Oklahoma Horizon, you're going to learn about just how advanced Oklahoma is. From our computer technology to the cutting edge of the aerospace industry, Oklahoma has it all. We are quite diverse. We can take you from the farm to space and back again. Not many states can say that.
We're also going to take you back in time and explore some of our historical roots, from the dust bowl to Route 66 to the Grapes of Wrath. Then we'll see what's bubbling up from underneath. All in an effort to bring you a wide range of topics in this, our centennial year. Feel free to drop us a line and let us know what's interesting in your area. I can't guarantee we'll cover it, but if we don't know about, we certainly can't.
Now we've been pre-empted for a couple of weeks while OETA has their spring festival, but never fear, we will be back soon. If you've missed us, visit our website (www.okhorizon.com) and see what you've missed. It's all there. We're also on their digital channels now even when we're pre-empted. Check your local listings to find out where those channels are.
Well back to the grind (oh, sorry, work) ;-D. Be watching for what's coming up. We're going global again. Rob's been to Mali, Africa so be looking to see how Oklahoma is working there. Keep watching and see you soon!
Friday, January 26, 2007
Can you believe the weather the last couple of weeks! I've been saying for a while now that we are long over due a cold snowy winter and it looks like its now time to pay the piper for all the nice warm winters we've had in recent years. Not that I mind really. Maybe this winter will kill all those nasty bugs before next summer. That would really be nice.
Now, I AM tired of getting stuck in my driveway. The ice created a dam for the melting ice and has made my driveway into a swamp. I've had to be pushed/pulled out of my driveway three times in the past two weeks. I've taken to parking close to the road just to get out (I've noticed others down my road doing the same). The best thing about it is...we are finally getting some moisture, YEAH! This should help the farmers tremendously although they may not be able to put their cows on the wheat yet but maybe soon. My daughter said the other day, "haven't we had enough moisure." Unfortunately, no. Hopefully by the time summer rolls around we will but not yet.
So even if you've had enough of winter already, pray for more snow (not ice, but snow) or even rain. We really need to catch up.
Now, I AM tired of getting stuck in my driveway. The ice created a dam for the melting ice and has made my driveway into a swamp. I've had to be pushed/pulled out of my driveway three times in the past two weeks. I've taken to parking close to the road just to get out (I've noticed others down my road doing the same). The best thing about it is...we are finally getting some moisture, YEAH! This should help the farmers tremendously although they may not be able to put their cows on the wheat yet but maybe soon. My daughter said the other day, "haven't we had enough moisure." Unfortunately, no. Hopefully by the time summer rolls around we will but not yet.
So even if you've had enough of winter already, pray for more snow (not ice, but snow) or even rain. We really need to catch up.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Happy 2007! What a year this is going to be. I'm excited about what's coming up on the show and hopefully, how it will affect you the viewer. We are constantly trying to improve the show to make it more enjoyable and informative.
So back to the new year...have you made your new year's resolution yet? I haven't because I don't make them. Why set yourself up to fail (ha, ha). I'm of the belief that if you want to make a change, just do it. Don't talk about, don't write it down, just do it (kinda sounds like a Nike commercial doesn't it ;-D). So I'm going to just do something but I haven't a clue what it's going to be. There are times I just like to go with the flow and see what happens (other times, I can be quite on task but I'm not near as much fun like that). So if I happen to decide to do something, I'll let you know (real committal aren't I). But for those of you who make new year's resolution, I'm pulling for you. Stay the course, keep up the good work, go that extra mile and really commit. Who knows, it may be the best thing you've ever done for yourself. Have a wonderful and safe New Year!
So back to the new year...have you made your new year's resolution yet? I haven't because I don't make them. Why set yourself up to fail (ha, ha). I'm of the belief that if you want to make a change, just do it. Don't talk about, don't write it down, just do it (kinda sounds like a Nike commercial doesn't it ;-D). So I'm going to just do something but I haven't a clue what it's going to be. There are times I just like to go with the flow and see what happens (other times, I can be quite on task but I'm not near as much fun like that). So if I happen to decide to do something, I'll let you know (real committal aren't I). But for those of you who make new year's resolution, I'm pulling for you. Stay the course, keep up the good work, go that extra mile and really commit. Who knows, it may be the best thing you've ever done for yourself. Have a wonderful and safe New Year!
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