Thursday, September 25, 2008

Humorist Will Roberts " I am in my BLUE period "

Will Roberts - Phoenix TO California.

Well I am back from Japan, Sept 18th was by far my longest day in
history. I left Tokyo at 6pm and got back to Phoenix, AZ at 9:30 pm.
Don't bother doing the math, it is around 42 hours total. The only
other people that have had a day that long might have been the folks
on Wall Street recently. I was following the steps of Wall Street USA
and Asia. Manly on the count of the fact that I was there and if we
needed someone to stand up for us Americans I would be there. I have a
feeling that all the bad happening to our country may only be the
beginning. It may not be as bad as the great depression but it sure is
depressing. The past year this cowboy humorist has been worried that
folks would not see the humor in my comments. So I have decided that
until things lighten up, I am in my BLUE period.

The President had some words for us today, but I don't think you can
call what Bush did in the last few days was a pep talk. More like a
game of peek a boo, only Americans are not laughing.  If you have ever
had a typing class you must be familiar with that exercise where you
type out that paragraph about the duty of an American.  "Now is the
time for all good men to come to the aid of their country . . .  Mr
Bush, where is that speech? We would even take it in written form, in
an email, something. Times like this in our country deserve a
Roosevelt speech. Not a side thought, we need a friend right now.  We
realize that you might have some hard times and folks don't think you
have done your job right. But here is a perfect time for you to come
out and offer help and assistants to all us Americans.  My mother
always told me " If you make a mistake, work real hard the next time
to make folks forget about the last one you made." Mr. President,  I
know your hands are probably tied, . . . by your own party.  I bet
after all it is an election year and the Republicans platform this
time around is " Get into the open and stay out of the Bush's." I
would have said HOG tied , but Republicans are staying away from Hogs
and pigs these days.

Republicans BEWARE , if you don't let this Republican President have a
little elbow room to move around with,  you might be boxing your party
into a corner.  Lately your party has been stuck on this piggy
reference, so I will lay it out that way:

One little piggy went to the market and came back with less cause his
dollar shrunk. The other piggy came back to his home it was gone
because it was foreclosed.  The other little Piggy's, well they went
to a costume party, a Republican costume party and they all dressed so
they did not look like a Republican piggy.  But it did not work
because all the other animals knew no matter what the piggy's did they
were still little Piggy's.

Friday, September 12, 2008

September 12 2008 Howdy from Will!

Well we hit the ground running here in Japan, Sasebo, Japan. the show this
weekend is for the naval troops. However, the total run time on this little
hop, skip and jump over the water was 28 hours, not to mention the fact that
I was up the whole day before packin my ropes and packet myself full of
news. My fear was that I would not have enough of a memory of what is going
on with the two campaigns. Being that they took a break (Sept 11) from
pulling the rug out from one another. I hear that they are all back up to
speed and bumpin each other off the trail. Today I read that maybe some of
the promises that Palin has been throwing out might just be a little colored
up and not possible, Gas, and teaching kids where we came from. Anyhow, I
gotta catch a little sleep as I have to look like I know what I am doing in
the AM. These military boys and girls are real stickers about people being
the real deal ..

Your friend . . .


I am off to Japan, but my mind is on the USA!

Right now I am sitting in the Chicago airport waiting to take a flight to Japan. This cowboy is heading to the land of the "Picture opportunity". I imagine that by time I get back to the states next week I might be slightly blinded and a little stiff by all the pictures I am posing for and the flash bulbs. I hear that cowboys are big in that part of the world. If things are going real well I might throw out cowboy Bush's name to see what it does to my approval rating.
My flight is 13 hours long, which means I am going to miss this great holiday we are having today. Wait now, I mean no disrespect, I am not referring to 911 and the tragic events that happen to Americans on that day. No I am referring to this day of REST for the politicians and the POLITICAL ads we are being spared today. But luckily we can end the week on a high note because tomorrow will be biz as usual. Back to the backstabbing, name calling, misunderstanding politicians we know and love.
I will be in the air so keep me posted if something comes up that you just know this humorist can pass up for a comedy moment. This season has been the best season in history.  I am like a pig in mud with all this. OOOOPS sorry, that comment was not meant for any of our political folks.
Follow my website and any of the websites you see my news on for Pictures, video, and stories of my trip.

Your friend,

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Vice President nominee Sara Palin makes a direct hit on Obama's head!

Democrats, If you are not people of faith this is a good time to
become voters of faith. Last night's speech from Governor Sara Palin
was just about as aggressive as it could be without swinging a big
stick, a hockey stick.
This gram size Governor from Alaska pulled out all the punches and
socked a one two, three four, Five six . . . to Obama and his wife …
after all what are the Democrats going to do? Fight back? You can't
hit a woman, can you? And this may be just the problem the Democrats
face as their biggest challenge. How to get in there and get the job
done without looking like you are behaving in a ungentlemanly way.

Palin did just what the GOP wanted last night, she took the road that
Republicans wanted her to travel, with a monster truck, a gun rack,
and a fully loaded speech that created an awful lot of believers. Even
Jesus took 7 days to gain the respect of the world and this Messiah of
the Republican party has done it in only 6 days (Friday was her first
day of creation).

I am not sure how I feel about last nights speech, mostly it makes me
sad, because I know in the months to come that one good swipe (Rep's)
deserves another (Dem's), and another and another, that is just the
name of the game. This soul searching or witch hunt stuff should have
been done a long time ago. All this getting to know you, uncovering
and stripping naked of the candidates for public display is not
important now, the issues are. However, Folks only know 6 days of this
VP. Mr. Mc Cain this is kind of a trick on your part and it will cause
Americans to get less face time with the issues and more about who
this VP nominee is. This is the reason this whole campaign started
early and maybe the reason we are late in getting on the point. Maybe
we will never get there.

All is NOT so fair in love and war. I promise I am not going to shout
out "Can't we all get along", because it looks like we can't.
We about to get as dirty as we can possibly remember, or can't
remember. Every tactic or Attack-tics will be used to win this race.
Heck, if we would have used a fifth of the energy and skills that our
candidates have used in the last year of their campaign to fight this
war in Iraq. We just might be patting our sons and daughters on the
back and thanking them for the service they have done and not pushing
them out the door into the line of fire.
Tonight we heard Republicans do everything they can to make the
Democrats seem like they have not been part of helping to get this
country back on it's feet. And frankly this cowboy has had enough of
BOTH parties hitting below the belt.

I just wish they did not have these conventions one after another. I
wish they went back and forth on the sames days. This way at least we
would not sit at home and throw things at the TV and be forced to
dislike our country even more. This may be the reason our country is
divided. Because you politicians are not only dangling a carrot in our
faces, but you are prodding us in the backside with a hot poker as

I have made a decision that I will only vote for the party that from
now until the elections plays fair. No kicking and no fighting, no
back stabbing and no lying. These are the qualities that I am looking
for in a President and a Vice President. Hmmm, I guess what I am
saying is I will probably have write in my mother and father for
President and Vice President, in that order.
Good luck to all you politicians and good luck to all of us Americans,
because we have to keep shaking our heads and crossing our fingers as
you all talk about how the other side is better than the other. Just
so you all know, we know you better than your mothers do, after all
you are politicians.

Will Roberts
"The Good Will Tour"
1-866-381-Will (9455)
Direct# 310-228-7105
Fax# 800-844-4259

"All I Know Is What Little I Read On The Internet!"
Lets see if this Alaskan Governor is a better aim than our New York senator Hillary Clinton.

Now as you may or may not know last week in the middle of my 12 day, 6 state tour I packed up my saddle bags and stopped off in Denver for
the DNC. Well this week to be fair and balance I got my media
credentials for the RNC. Although I may seem heavy on the Democratic
side at times, I am an independent that likes to believe I am a
little bit of both parties, at least until one party starts acting up
then I will jump ship like a pirate looking for a treasure map. Plus I
don't have a problem flip flopping on my choices. I call this
"Changing my mind" and it is one of the fine perks of being an
American, Freedom of choice. Politicians can't do this move (Flip
Flopping) because it could ruin there careers. Which makes no sense to
us Americans. As the facts change, so should your opinion. Being
stubborn is not a trait of a flexible leader, on the makeup of a
dictator. Ok, now that I have made my case for being a independent
with Democratic tendency's. Let me get back on track. If I get off
message my Republican friends finding this on line would hold it
against me.

So I was off to the RNC and then pow! Hurricane Gustav decided to have
a celebration of it's own and the only person who decided to show up
to this one is Mother Nature.

Now considering that a persons creativity is considered to be found on
the right side of the brain and logical side is the left. I would say
after what I saw last night at the Republicans convention, it looks
like they may have decided to swap brains. Democrats are supposed to
be the creative artist ones and Republicans, well, … they do the
books, the numbers, left brain logical, . . . scrap that word logical,
I don't want to have Republicans using that word to describe
themselves. Last night, I have never seen more images of America,
Flags, Red, White and BOY o BOY did they give us an eyeful. I have not
seen so much patriotism since a World War 2 movie, IN TECHNICOLOR.
Democrats plan for there convention was lets talk about it and the
words "YES WE CAN!" Mean while Republicans are playing to the base…
The base of every American that has watched a movie that that had an
underdog, a good fight, a child and a pretty woman. They are shooting
for Rocky and the Democrates are more Mr. Smith goes to Washington.
These days a good fight goes alot father than a good talk. Democrats
you better pull out all the stops because this epic made for TV movie
the Republicans is producing is trumping your "Grass ROOTS" film.

I have a plan for you Democrats, but don't let it out of the bag until
the day of the first VP debate.
PLAN: we all know that Republicans are banking on the debates.
Everyone I have talked to has said that IF Democrats come off to harsh
to the Republican VP they will look sexist. So here is what you do.
Have Biden pull out of the race for some patriotic reason, his son or
something. Then insert Hillary Clinton, have her debate Palin. This
would turn the country on it's end. Billed as the "Cat fight of the
Century. " Lets see if this Alaskan Governor is a better aim than our
New York senator Hillary Clinton.

Will Roberts
"The Good Will Tour"
1-866-381-Will (9455)
Direct# 310-228-7105
Fax# 800-844-4259

"All I Know Is What Little I Read On The Internet!"
Did McCain know what he was cooking up, or is this just another version of Half baked Alaska?

I have been hearing over and over again that folks are not sure Mc Cain knew that his female VP running mates daughter was pregnant of 5 months. I say to you, bully. If you think that a politician did not know that during an election year this type of golden opportunity was around, think again. There are two times that a politician will come upon an perfectly laid out scenario like this. #1. When they are caught in the middle of it and the media is taking advantage of it. #2. When an election year roles around and a politician is not feeling as popular as he wants the polls.

Of course, before I dress this horse up for this parade I am about to put it on. I will let you know . . . I am male, this is so you all know I know that I am limited to 10% effectiveness when it comes to dealing with an issue of the opposite sex. Why, well it is simple. For thousands of years although men have idolized the opposite sex and they have also been caught mis treating and mis speaking for them. So anything I get from these little comments of mine, I deserve.

This little issue of how a woman is running her child's life and how her child is running her FUTURE child's life should be considered out of bounds . . . uhh - umm, when it comes to a normal persons life. However, this is far from a normal woman's life. This person is, if the president is the father of our country , she would be the mother of our country.

Now maybe this cowboy is just seeing Hollywood in to this campaign. But, if you watched the VP exception speech you saw her daughter holding a baby in front of her pregnant stomach , maybe to dress up the truth or cover it. For that matter Mc Cain might just be using Palin to make himself look younger; Just do your best Mc Cain to keep her where you have her right now . . . in front of you.

I must tell you all that this little smoke and mirror or song and dance is a lot like when they take pictures of food before they put in on the menu or slap it in a magazine. They primp it up, and paint it to look juicier than it really is before they show it to the people that are buying it. Hey, it sells products, and Both sides of the parties are guilty of half baked, raw politics. But beware both you Democrats and Republicans, the American public will stick ya back in the oven if they are not sure you taste right to them.
I am all for anyone getting there chance to make it to the top. But this seems like this may not be a story book ending, but more like a bad sitcom.

Only time will uncover what we all need to know about our new VP, look what two days have done so far.

Will Roberts
"The Good Will Tour"
1-866-381-Will (9455)
Direct# 310-228-7105
Fax# 800-844-4259

"All I Know Is What Little I Read On The Internet!"
Obama supporters ready to support folks put out by Gustav! No matter how long it takes, they are in it for the long haul.

Today’s comments I did not schedule on the books, meaning that because it Labor Day I should be relaxing somewhere instead of writing this. However, we the current state of affairs in the Gulf coast I wish I had a way of going to the coast myself and bringing the three things I have an abundance of; Hope, Help, and Humor. In the coming days it will be increasingly important for all of us Americans to focus our help and energy to the folks in these devastated areas of the country. When I say ALL of our focus I mean ALL, any resources we have should go to show these folks that our country, no matter what shape it may be on the outside, inside we have a heart of Red, White and blue. I know when the Republicans see my comments for today they will be upset. I normally would not miss a chance to take a couple of stabs at the political, especially after Friday’s announcement. But what is good for the goose (Politicians) is good for the gander (ME). So I must focus as well all my energy into convincing Mother Nature to just scold the Gulf coast and not really punish um. They have enough and the Republicans well they will just have to sit back and wait for the storm to clear. Make my words, if they can blame the storm on the Democrats they will.
Recently I was in New Orleans, 2 weeks ago. I was doing a show there and while I was there I decided to shoot one of my PBS TV segments about Katrina. Now with Gustav (Katrina 2c the sequel) pounding at their door again I leave with my comments I read the day I was leaving the 9th Ward. Be safe folks and if you want to help in anyway, I bring your attention to what Mr. Obama said. He stated that any of his supporters would be willing, once all has cleared, to help in anyway they can. Funny thing is he must be physic as well as a good leader. The minute this all happened, that was the first thing I was thinking, Obama supporters love to support. If you are a Mc Cain supporter, you will have to wait until Mc Cain tells you what your next step is.

Good Luck to all of you in Texas, and the gulf coast cities.

Aug 14, 2008:
New Orleans:
I can’t image what New Orleans looked like right after Katrina hit. I know the news showed us over and over the devastation of what Mother Nature could do. But being here or any disaster area is a whole lot different than seeing it second hand. What I think blows me away the most is that there are still areas that folks are, to this date, living in. not in a RV parked next to, but living in. The conditions are well, unlivable.

I did however notice that the areas that are most improved are the areas with more money, you know better real estate value. Not the poor areas. Which seems backwards, doesn’t it. Should we not help the folks that cant afford to help themselves FIRST then get to the folks who have a little more money. Maybe it is because the people with more money have a bigger voice or maybe it is because the poor aren’t crying loud enough. I remember writing a story right after Katrina about how Bush senior and Bill Clinton did a fundraiser to fix up the supper dome. Millions of dollars were raiser in the snap of a football. Don’t get me wrong reconstruction is happening. But not at the speed it should be. Our people should always be first … and our sports acts come after we meet our needs. , Leisure should always be somewhere down at the bottom, not the reverse. After what I saw in New Orleans, the act our government is pulling is a criminal one.

Will Roberts
"The Good Will Tour"
1-866-381-Will (9455)
Direct# 310-228-7105
Fax# 800-844-4259

"All I Know Is What Little I Read On The Internet!"

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

I know it's been a while since I blogged, sorry. I'm really going to keep this one short since I don't have a lot of time. My next one will be longer, promise.

I want to introduce you to Will Roberts (a modern day Will Rogers) who will also be posting to our blog. He is our roving reporter who you may have seen on our show (Weekly Telegram). I love his segments and hope you do too. Anyway, he has a great sense of humor and I think you will find his posts enjoyable.

Chatatcha later!